Coming Up
Tu, Aug 20 -- Cross Country Practice, 6:30am
Tu, Aug 20 -- Basketball Practice, 2-5pm
Tu, Aug 20 -- Work Day, 6pm
W, Aug 21 -- Basketball Practice, 2-5pm
Th, Aug 22 -- Cross Country Practice, 6:30am
Th, Aug 22 -- Parent Orientation, 6pm
Sa, Aug 24 -- Work Day, 8am
Tu, Aug 27 -- Open House, 6pm
Th-F, Aug 29-30 -- First Day of School and LAUNCH
Parent Orientation & Open House
Parent Orientation -- 8/22 6pm
This year, Parent Orientation will take place on Thursday, August 22nd at 6pm for parents only - children should not attend this meeting.
It will be a great night to share the heart of Legacy Academy with you as parents and to provide an important overview for the year to come. This is an important meeting as we begin the school year, so that we are all on the same page with our collective efforts.
All parents are required to attend. Please prioritize this meeting.
Open House -- 8/27 6pm
Open House will take place on Tuesday, August 27 at 6pm. This will be an opportunity for students to come and meet their teachers, bring their supplies, find their classrooms and Upper Level lockers, and get themselves ready for the school year!
Work Days & Service Hours
There is tons to do all around campus to help get it ready for the year. We can't do it all without your help!
We also have two dedicated work days coming up:
Tuesday, August 20 -- 6pm
Saturday, August 24 -- 8am
If there are days or evenings that you can offer, let the office know. If you have questions, contact Dr. Lofton (jason.lofton@legacymail.org).
SERVICE HOURS OPPORTUNITY: There's tons to do to get the campus ready and set for the new year. High school students should check with the office to see what tasks can be done any day from now until school starts.
Parents, we need your help, too, with a whole variety of moving, cleaning, and readying classrooms!
Cross Country
Upcoming practices:
Tu 8/20 6:30am
Th 8/22 6:30am
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Webb or Mr. Wright. Parents are invited and encouraged to stay and cheer along or run/walk with the team during practice.
Basketball Practice
Practices this week are Tuesday and Wednesday 2-5pm.
Senior team members should get in the weight room and work on their shooting on Friday too.
Summer Camps
Theater Camp -- CANCELLED
Theater Camp, which was scheduled to take place Aug 19-23, has been CANCELLED.
Curriculum Fees -- Now Due
Parents, as we are getting ready to start the new school year, we want to remind you that the curriculum fee is due by August 15.
K-12 -- $200
Pre-K -- $100
School Supply List
The School Supply Lists for the upcoming year are below.
Yearbooks for Sale
Yearbooks for both 2022-23 and 2023-24 are now on sale on the LA online store! They are $20 each and will be available for pick-up later in the summer.
Buy the 2022-23 yearbook!
Buy the 2023-24 yearbook!
Campus Help Needed
Summertime weather is here, and it is time for mowing and weed-eating again. Please contact the office and help us this week! We also have a list of maintenance needs on-campus that range from changing lightbulbs and hanging up signs to welding. If you are able to help with any of these campus projects, please call the office.
We are Hiring & Enrolling!
Now enrolling! legacywarriors.org

We still hope to hire one additional Daycare worker for Bright Beginnings. Call the office today 870.642.8937 with your recommendation!
Tuition Scholarship Information
EFA Applications have REOPENED.
If you think you are eligible and have not yet applied, please contact Mrs. Kesterson at the school office (cynthia.kesterson@legacymail.org).

Philanthropic Scholarships
PIAK is now open, families can apply with this link. This scholarship applies to any students transferring from a public school to a private school for the first time or entering into Kindergarten for the first time (must turn 5 before August 1st) AND whose family’s income is no more than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.