This Week
M 3/17 -- Track practice 3-5:30pm (Mineral Springs)
Tu 3/18 -- Follies rehearsal 3-5pm
Th 3/20 -- Track practice 3-4:30pm
Fr 3/21-- Follies rehearsal 3-5pm
Looking Ahead
SPRING BREAK -- M 3/24 - Fr 3/28
Office open 3/24 & 3/25
Fr 4/4 -- Spring Follies!
W 4/9 -- 4H Meeting
Application to Re-enroll
It is time to complete applications to enroll for the 2025-2026 school year. Physical copies of the enrollment application were sent home with students on Friday. Please complete the form and return it to the front office or complete the digital form HERE.
Track & Field Season
This Monday's practice is scheduled for Mineral Springs. The bus will transport students, leaving at 3pm and plan to be back on LA campus for pick up at 5:30pm.
PLEASE send your students with a water bottle and sunscreen.
Thursday's practice will be on campus from 3-4:30pm.
Track Meet Schedule
Day | Date | Teams | Meet | Location | Times |
Monday | 4-7-25 | SH | Gaile Hainley Relays | Waldron HS | 3:00 PM |
Wednesday | 4-9-25 | JH | Waldron Jr. Bulldogs Relays | Waldron HS | 3:00 PM |
Tuesday | 4-15-25 | JH | Mena Jr. Relays | Mena HS | 3:00 PM |
Tuesday | 4-22-25 | SH | Coca-Cola Relays | Nashville | 3:00 PM |
Thursday | 4-24-25 | SH | Mena High School Relays | Mena HS | 3:00 PM |
Saturday | 5-3-25 | All | HCAA State Meet | HCAA State Meet |
Spring Follies Rescheduling to April 4th!
Spring Follies has been rescheduled from March 21st to Friday, April 4th. After-school rehearsals for Upper-Level students have been rescheduled and will now be held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3-5 pm through the night of the show. All Upper Level students are required to attend after-school rehearsals. If your student is unable to participate in a rehearsal, a parent should call to notify the office as soon as possible.
All Lower Level rehearsals will be held during regular school hours.
Intent to Re-enroll
It is time to complete your Intent to Re-enroll forms.
Education Freedom Accounts (EFA) Applications are NOW OPEN for ALL FAMILIES!
Applications for 2025-2026 EFA are open! Remember, ALL families NOW eligible!
Great news! Applications for EFA funding for the 2025-2026 school year is NOW OPEN for EVERYONE! Any student attending a private school in Arkansas is now eligible to receive EFA funding for tuition. This means that all families must fill out an application. This includes families that received EFA for the 2024-2025 school year and families that are receiving other forms of scholarship. Complete the application HERE. Please call the office if you need help or have any questions.
Families already receiving EFA will need your student(s) individual Student ID Number to complete the application. You can find this on your ClassWallet account.
ACE Scholarship 2025-2026 Applications Opening
The 2025-2026 ACE Scholarship application for new and returning students are open. Applications will close on Tax Day (April 15, 2025) at 11:59 p.m. in the time zone of the school. Detailed information for applying can be found on their website. ACE scholarship awards are first come, first served and income-based (see financial guidelines chart below). Students who received ACE last year are also required to complete an application. ACE can be used in combination with EFA funds. Please contact the Legacy office if you have any questions or need help with your application.

Bus Drivers & Substitutes Needed
We need substitutes who can help fill positions when a teacher is absent. We also need bus drivers to help transport students to athletic events and field trips. Please see the office for details on each of these. Thank you!
March Lunch Menu
Parenting Corner
One of the most important things a parent or significant caregiver does for a child is help lay a solid foundation of integrity, character, honesty and kindness in their lives. The way we do this is, according to Scripture is, "line upon line, precept upon precept." We do this through consistent, clear, love-infused instruction and by providing a positive role-model and pattern for our children to follow. As parents and caregivers we need to be reminded at times of some of these foundational principles that our children will need to carry them throughout their adult lives. Take a look as we bring several of these key areas into the light for our consideration.
Lessons I Want to Instill In My Children - Pt.1
1. If you make a mistake, fix it. Making mistakes is a part of growing up but it is important that we teach our children that mistakes are not fatal or final and that we have the opportunity to correct our mistakes by taking steps of action, as much as possible, to make things right.
2. If you are thankful or appreciative, show it. Entitlement is the idea that I am owed something or that I have a right to expect some benefit or privilege. Teaching our children to be thankful and appreciative when others have made sacrifices on their behalf helps them recognize and be appreciative of what others have done to provide them with a benefit.
3. If you are confused or uncertain, ask a question. We get by with a little help from our...family, teachers, friends, neighbors. It is OK to ask for help. The Bible says there is safety in the multitude of counselors. It is our pride that keeps us sometimes from admitting that we need some assistance or help.
4. If you love someone, tell them, show them. We need to be telling and showing our children what love sounds like and looks like. How we speak and treat each other builds patterns into the lives of our children, both good and bad, that can stay with them for a lifetime.
5. If you hurt someone, take responsibility - own it. Here are the 6 most powerful, important words in the English language (or any language for that matter).
"I was wrong. Please forgive me."