Coming Up
M, Sep 30 -- XC Practice, 6:30am
Th, Oct 3 -- XC Practice, 6:30am
Looking Ahead
Th-Fr, Oct 10-11 -- Fall Break
Th, Oct 17 -- Sevier County Flu Clinic
Fr, Oct 18 -- NAVY/WHITE Night, 5:30pm
Are You Our Next Pre-K Teacher?
Or do you know who is?
Dear LA Families,
Due to her broken foot, a needed surgery, and several days a week of required rehab, Mrs. Bean is sadly leaving us from teaching Pre-K. We need to hire a new Pre-K teacher and we need to do so SOON!
We need someone who is organized and structured, loves children, is patient, and desires to work and serve children in a Christ-centered environment.
Do you know someone who would be a good fit? Is it you!?
Please help us fill this position by praying with us and maybe it is you we should hire!? Maybe you know the perfect fit.
Here is the application link.
Thank you!
Athletics News:
Bus Drivers
We are in need of help to drive the bus for the upcoming year. If you are interested in helping with this, please let Mr. Smallwood know ( Legacy Academy will cover the cost of the CDL exam and a small stipend for driving is available.
Cross Country
M, Sep 30 -- XC Practice, 6:30am
Th, Oct 3 -- XC Practice, 6:30am
Meet Schedule:
All meets will be for all teams -- JG, JB, SG, SB.
Tu 10/8 -- Nashville
Tu 10/15 -- Waldron
Fr 10/25 -- HCAA State Meet, Fort Smith
For the State Meet, we will be travelling up to Fort Smith on Thursday and staying the night there before running on Friday morning. More details will be forthcoming.
Basketball Practice This Week:
All four teams (JG, JB, SG, SB) will workout from 3-5p M, T, Th, F this week.
Senior Teams only will practice on Wednesdays 3-5p. Junior teams will not workout on Wednesdays.
Athletic Booster Sponsors
Parents and Friends,
The athletic seasons are upon us and we need your help contacting local businesses to help support our programs. Booster sponsor information is available here.
If you have any questions, contact Mr. Smallwood.
Fall Break -- October 10-11
Fall Break this year is on Thursday and Friday, October 10-11.
Flu Clinic -- October 17
The Sevier County Health Unit with be on campus to administer free flu shots on October 17th! Consent forms were sent home with students on Friday. If you would like for your child to receive a flu vaccine you must return your signed content to the front office by October 3rd. Only students with signed consent will receive a vaccine. If you have any questions, please call the office.
October Lunch Menu
Warrior Day Report!
What a great day we had all together on Friday!
The school was split up into Navy and White teams, with House Fortis and House Veritas against House Fidelis and House Invicta. Like always, it was full of fun competitions and games, donated pizza from Simple Simons, and silly challenges for the whole teams!
A special shout-out to our team of amazing teachers and staff who put the whole day together. Our students make it all worth it!
Here's a Recap of Our Parent Encouragement Shared at Scholar Induction:
The Anxious Generation
Parents try to lay down rules and enforce limits, but there are just so many devices, so many arguments about why a rule needs to be relaxed, and so many ways around the rules, that family life has come to be dominated by disagreements about technology. Maintaining family rituals and basic human connections can feel like resisting an ever-rising tide, one that engulfs parents as well as children.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 ESV
“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” 1 Corinthians 13:11
Tips for Moving Forward
Make the foundation sure. A Christ-centered home built according to the timeless principles of God’s written Word.
As much as possible, build consistency and structure into your daily routines.
Start a conversation with your children that builds trust and honesty.
Ask them what they learned today.
Ask about the favorite part of their day.
Ask them how you can pray for them.
Be actively involved in a Bible-based, Christ-centered church community that is helping all members of the family grow and develop spiritually.
Pray with, pray for, pray into your family the presence & promises of God.
4-H Sign-Up
On Wednesday, the first 4-H meeting of the year was held in the cafeteria. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Bartek for hosting these!
If you would like to sign your child up for Legacy 4-H, please use this link or the QR code below. This way, you can be kept up-to-date with all the latest information and happenings for 4-H!
Yearbooks for Sale
2023-24 are now on sale on the LA online store! They are $20 each and will be available for pick-up later shortly.